- 氣球造型競賽:Balloon Twisting Competition
- 參賽者在限定時間內,根據主題創作特定的氣球造型,評選最佳作品。
- (Participants create specific balloon twisting shapes based on a theme within a limited time, with prizes for the best creations.)
- 氣球傳遞:Balloon Relay
- 參賽者需將氣球從一個人傳遞到另一個人,不能用手碰觸氣球,考驗團隊合作。
- (Participants must pass a balloon from one person to another without using their hands, testing teamwork.)
- 氣球撲克:Balloon Poker
- 在氣球上寫上各種指令,參賽者隨機抽氣球並執行裡面的指令,例如跳舞、模仿動物等。
- (Different instructions are written on balloons; participants randomly draw a balloon and perform the instruction inside, such as dancing or mimicking animals.)
- 氣球擊打:Balloon Bopping
- 把氣球懸掛在空中,參賽者需用指定的物品(如乒乓球拍)將氣球打爆。
- (Balloons are hung in the air, and participants must pop them using a designated object (like a ping pong paddle).)
- 氣球接力賽:Balloon Relay Race
- 參賽者需在一定距離內,將氣球夾在手臂或身體的某個部位,進行接力賽。
- (Participants must balance a balloon on their arm or another part of their body while completing a relay race over a specified distance.)
- 氣球拼圖:Balloon Puzzle
- 準備數個不同顏色和形狀的氣球,參賽者需根據提示將氣球拼成特定圖案。
- (Several balloons of different colors and shapes are prepared; participants must assemble them into a specific design based on prompts.)
- 氣球尋寶:Balloon Treasure Hunt
- 在氣球內藏小獎品或提示,參賽者需找到並打爆氣球以獲得獎勵。
- (Small prizes or clues are hidden inside balloons, and participants must find and pop the balloons to retrieve the rewards.)
- 氣球舞蹈:Balloon Dance
- 參加者需與氣球一起跳舞,表現出創意的舞步,最後評選出最佳舞者。
- (Participants dance with balloons, showcasing creative dance moves, and the best dancer is selected at the end.)